Introduction to Java Programming

Java is a powerful object-oriented programming language first introduced by Sun Microsystems in 1995, which has built-in support to create computer programs with a graphical user interface (GUI), utilize the Internet, create client-server solutions, and much more. Any programs written in Java can run anywhere, without any change, on any of the common computer operating systems like Windows 95/NT, Macintosh, and Unix. A variant of Java programs also known as applets can be embedded inside a web page and execute on the computer that is viewing the page, automatically and in a secure environment. 

Java execution steps

Java is closely related to C++, which is also object-oriented programming language but retains a lot of idiosyncrasies inherited from its predecessor language C. It has removed the inconsistent elements from C++, is exclusively object-oriented and can be considered a modern version of C++.  Because of its logical structure, Java has quickly become a popular choice as a teaching language,  and because of its extensive Internet support and the promise of writing programs once and using them on every operating system Java is becoming more and more accepted in the industry.
Mukesh Rajput

Mukesh Rajput

I am a Computer Engineer, a small amount of the programming tips as it’s my hobby, I love to travel and meet people so little about travel, a fashion lover and love to eat food, I am investing a good time to keep the body fit so little about fitness also..

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